Holiday Park 3400 Pio Pico Dr. Carlsbad, California 92008
SAT, SEP 8, 2018 12:00 PM
Carlsbad Brewfest
Holiday Park 3400 Pio Pico Dr. Carlsbad, California 92008
Welcome to the 5th Annual Carlsbad Brewfest sponsored by Harrah's Resort Southern California
and SR-76 Beer Works!
Saturday, September 8th in Holiday Park located in beautiful, historic Carlsbad, California.
Beer tasting from Noon-5:00 pm, Music, Entertainment, Games, Food Vendors
Want to book some of the same gourmet food trucks that cater the best events in San Diego for your own event?   Simply click on the "Request Catering" button, fill out the
short booking form and your request will be distributed to the trucks. Contact if you have any questions.